Christian Fiction
The story of "The Four Seasons of the Future" is based upon the battle of good versus evil which is played out in scripture through the book of Revelation. In “Evil Me” we discover that there is an ancient evil book which contains spells, demons and death. Only the evilest person in the world can control it or be controlled by it. Jinn, an evil and murderess witch finds the book, the Grimoire. Once in possession of the evil book, Jinn sets about wielding it for evil purposes. She is interrupted by Jackson, who steals her nest egg of cash which would have funded Jinn’s plot. She and her coven of followers set out to find Jackson and either recruit or kill him. Joined by his unknown twin, Joshua intervenes and sets them all on a different course. Their lives are the pawns in the beginning of a cosmic game, the outcome of which has been recorded in scripture. What happens to each of these characters is revealed in the books to come. Who will face the King of Kings in victory and who will face him in defeat? Who is the dark clad young hiker who appears in the final scene? How can the provision of a father lead to the life changing decisions of a son?
“My Father’s Legacy” begins days after the Rapture. Ryan, the son of Joshua is left to discover what God has planned for him. Making his way out of a city about to explode with chaos, he must retreat to his inheritance. Joshua has left Ryan a legacy of food, provisions, books and recordings to explain the Rapture and the Tribulation. As he hides in the bunker, Ryan learns that he and an unexpected guest have a mission from God which will have an eternal impact on the lives of many during the Tribulation. In this second book we meet the Anti-Christ and all of his cohorts. We meet the false prophet and we see their seemingly miraculous feats. Bringing the prophecies of the Book of Revelation to life through the characters of “My Father’s Legacy” allows us to catch a glimpse of what this horrible time in history could look like. Ryan survives to the bitter end and lives to enter into the Millennial Kingdom.
“The Last Evangelist” follows Ryan through the 1000 years of a perfect world as Christ sits on the throne in Jerusalem. Everyone who enters into the Millennial Kingdom is a believer. Not everyone who is born afterward so easily surrenders to Christ in salvation. In due time there are generations who are divided. Some surrender to Christ in Salvation and others do not. Ryan is called by the King to travel and preach the gospel. He is the “Last Evangelist”. In his travels Ryan meets and preaches to many. He falls in love with and eventually marries Rachael.
Many of the difficult questions of the 1000 years are answered in this book. The whys and how’s are fictionalized in such a way as to provide a look at how this may all end. What is the purpose of the Millennial Kingdom? Why is Satan loosed at the end of the 1000 years? What follows the end of this period of prophetic history? It is through these first three books of the “Four Seasons of the Future” that we come to see that great and final moment in the history of humanity which is written about in Revelation Chapter 20.
“Blotted Out” is the fourth and final book in the “Four Seasons of the Future”. This is the time of judgement for all mankind. Everyone great and everyone small, the rich and the poor are all present to stand before Christ and give an account for their lives. In this, the fourth and final book of this series, we see many of the unsaved characters from the first three books meet the Lord to give an account and determine their eternal destiny. Read and see what this might look like and hear the stories of those who have denied Christ.

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